Research Interests
Liliane Cambraia Windsor, PhD, MSW is an Associate Professor at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Social Work. Born and raised in Brazil, she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Education from FCH-FUMEC, Brazil in 1998. She moved to Texas in 2000 to pursue her Master of Science and doctoral degrees in Social Work from The University of Texas at Austin. Her research focuses on health disparities, substance use disorders, HIV prevention, and criminal justice with special emphasis on distressed communities using mixed methods and community based participatory research (CBPR). Dr. Windsor has overseen numerous externally and internally funded research studies in the United States and Brazil. She is affiliated with the Special Populations Office at the National Development & Research Institute (NDRI) and the Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is an elected member of the College of Problems on Drug Dependence and the National Hispanic Science on Drug Abuse. Her teaching interests include research methods, social justice, and substance use disorders. Dr. Windsor is the founder and chair of the Newark Community Collaborative Board, a group of researchers, service providers, and consumers responsible to develop, test, and disseminate Community Wise, a multilevel intervention designed to address substance use related disparities in distressed communities. The website for the Newark CCB can be found here:
BA, Education, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas-Fundação Mineira de Educação e Cultura , Brazil, 1998
MSW, Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin, 2002
PhD, Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin, 2008
Additional Campus Affiliations
Associate Dean for Research, School of Social Work
Professor, School of Social Work
Professor, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Affiliate, Center for Social & Behavioral Science
Recent Publications
Tan, K., Campbell, J., & Windsor, L. (2025). Teaching Social Justice From a Social Work Perspective. In K. Tan, C.-F. Wu, & T. Ostler (Eds.), Social Work and Simulations: Teaching Practice, Research, Policy, and Social Injustices Oxford University Press.
Kim, H., Song, E. J., & Windsor, L. (2024). Evidence-Based Home Visiting Provisions and Child Maltreatment Report Rates: County-Level Analysis of US National Data From 2016 to 2018. Child Maltreatment, 29(1), 176-189.
Kim, H., Kim, Y. Y., Song, E. J., & Windsor, L. (2024). Policies to reduce child poverty and child maltreatment: A scoping review and preliminary estimates of indirect effects. Children and Youth Services Review, 156, Article 107311.
Kwon, S., Benoit, E., & Windsor, L. (2024). The effects of social support and self-efficacy on hopefulness in low-income older adults during COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Geriatrics, 24(1), Article 305.
Pinto, R. M., Windsor, L., & Benoit, E. (2024). Participation in Critical Dialogues With Illustrative Images Increases Knowledge About COVID-19 Prevention: A Mixed Methods Longitudinal Approach. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 18(3), 304-317.