“Vulnerability from Oppression to Resistance: A Comparative Constitutional Analysis of Vulnerability and Power in Brazil and the United States”
Visiting Researcher at Oklahoma University at Center for Brazil Studies. PhD in Human Rights and Democracy at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR/PR). Master in Social and Environmental Law and Sustainability from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUC/PR). Specialist in Environmental Law from UFPR/PR. Bachelor of Law from Tiradentes University (Unit/SE). Member of the Center for Studies on the Constitution (CCONS) at UFPR and the Observatory for monitoring electoral risks in Brazil (DEMOS). Has experience in the area of Constitutional Law, working mainly on the following topics: Law and Social Justice; Law and Gender; Philosophy of law; human rights; Environmental Law and Law and Literature. Keywords: Vulnerability; Feminist Constitutionalism; human rights; social justice; Socio-Environmental Movements.