“Minha Casa Minha Vida” (MCMV) is the major public investment in affordable housing in Brazil. Yet, its success is a topic of strong debate among scholars. In this study, I analyze whether the program was successful in overcoming structural racial inequalities in the country and including eligible black and brown households proportionately to their representation in the population at large. I question whether the program’s administrative data reveals statistical differences between the racial proportion of MCMV households and the eligible population of the program. I use interviews with program stakeholders as context for interpreting my administrative data analysis. The outcomes of my work are a structured literature review and a replicable framework for the analysis of MCMV through a racial lens. This work directly contributes to understanding potential barriers to participation that black and brown communities might face in MCMV, and to developing an evaluation framework that advances the conceptualization of racialization as an organizing feature of Brazilian housing.