Political Science, "Navigating the Political Landscape: Exploring the Impact of National-Level Polarization on Local Elections in Brazil"
Larissa Migotto's research investigates the interplay between national-level polarization and local elections within Brazil's fragmented party system. Her study aims to explain how polarization discourse propagated by national elites influences alliance dynamics and political discourse at the local level. The project focuses on four key Brazilian capital elections—São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, and Porto Alegre—where heightened competition and polarization are anticipated in the upcoming 2024 municipal elections.
Larissa's research seeks to provide insights into the complex relationship between national-level polarization and local electoral processes through a comprehensive analysis of elite cues, framing strategies, and their impact on local dynamics. Methodologically, the project will employ a combination of semi-structured interviews with political leaders and activists, content analysis of media sources, and quantitative assessments of party organization. Her work contributes to a deeper understanding of polarization dynamics in multiparty systems and its implications for democratic governance in Brazil.