To be eligible for the Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies Fellowship for Undergraduate Students 2026-2027, an applicant must be:

  1. An undergraduate student in good standing at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;
  2. In the process of applying to, or being accepted to, an approved study abroad or internship program in Brazil. Proof of program acceptance is required before award disbursement.


Award amounts may be up to $2,000 and will be granted to students planning to spend a semester abroad. Funding decisions are based on the cost and duration of the program, as well as the availability of funds.


Applications are reviewed holistically, and preference will be given to those who spend the semester abroad, with consideration of the following:

  1. Impact of the program on student’s academic and career trajectory
  2. Academic preparedness
  3. Financial need


  1. Download and fill out this cover sheet. The form can be downloaded here.

  2. Your application should include:

  • A 1-page resume;
  • A short description (~100 words) about the study abroad program;
  • A 1–2-page essay (Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins) that describes how the study abroad will impact your academic and career trajectory and why you are interested in Brazil;
  • A recommendation from a professor or academic advisor;
  • Optional: a 100-word statement describing financial need.

      3. Applicants must submit the above information to the Box account below all compiled in one file with a title in the following format: LastName, FirstName – DeptAbbrev – Undergrad2026_2027.

      4. Applicants should arrange for the appropriate faculty member to upload the letter of recommendation. The filename should be LastName, FirstName – DeptAbbrev – Undergrad2026_2027 – RecommenderInitals.pdf.

      5. The cover sheet, application information, and the letter of recommendation should be submitted to this Box account.


  • Upon returning to campus, students will submit a 1-page report (same formatting guidelines as the application essay) along with at least one photograph from their trip, which may be used by the Lemann Center on our website, in fliers, and other publications and materials.
  • Students may also be asked to speak about their study abroad experience at a Lemann Center event.


  • February 11 for summer short-term, summer, fall, or academic year programs.
  • November 15 for winter break, spring break, and spring semester programs.

For more information, please contact Elis Artz, Senior Program Coordinator for the Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies at