Past Lemann Graduate Forum
Lemann Graduate Forum 2022
University of Illinois
Thursday, November 10, 2022 – 11:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Alice Campbell Alumni Center (601 S Lincoln Ave, Urbana)
This fifth annual event showcases the multidisciplinary breadth of University of Illinois graduate students who received Lemann Center Graduate Fellowships, Werner Baer Doctoral Fellowships, Lemann Empower Brazil Fellowships, and Lemann Leadership Fellowships.
11:30 to 12:00 – Lunch
12:00 to 12:10 – Opening Remarks
- John Tofik Karam, Director of the Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies, Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese
12:10 to 12:30 – Session 1: Postdoctoral Presentations
Vania Castro
Jefferson Belarmino de Freitas
12:30 to 4:00 – Session 2: Master and Doctoral Werner Baer Fellowship and Lemann Center Graduate Fellowship presentations
- Summer Xia Yu, Unmet needs of Brazilian older adults with disability
- Discussant: Prof. Andiara Schwingel
- Leonardo Silva Ventura, (Inter)national Politics of Amilcar Cabral, Abdias Nascimento, and Thereza Santos Toward Global Black Liberation
- Discussant: Prof. Jerry Dávila
- Bruna Bozzi Feijó, Rethinking the History of Brazilian Catholicism in the 1950’s
- Discussant: Prof. Jerry Dávila
- Michael Stablein, Engineering Enhanced Generation of Microalgal Biomass via Simultaneous Wastewater Treatment: An International Collaboration between UIUC, USP, UFSCar
Coffee Break
- Daniel Perez-Astros, Post-dictatorship, Trauma, and Testimonio in Contemporary Brazil and Venezuela
- Discussant: Prof. John Tofik Karam
- Sebastião Benete Reis de Oliveira Neto, How Different is the Brazilian Political System? A Comparative Study
- Discussant: Prof. Gisela Sin
- Joseph Coyle, Somewhere Else: Un-belonging and Queer Pentecostal Self-Making in Brazil
- Discussant: Prof. John Tofik Karam
4:00 to 5:00 – Session 3: Masters in Liderança and Empodera panel
- Johnatan Rodolfo De Souza D’Alcantara
- Helder Paulo Machado Silva
- Alessandra Magacho Vieira
- Adriano Sekita
- Thallyta Pedroza Ferreira Cavoli
- Carlos de Aquino Daher
- Jethro Xavier Bitencourt Bezerra
5:00 to 6:00 – Reception and clarinet performance
- Clarinet performance by Prof. Iura de Rezende
Posters Exhibition
- Rodrigo Fabretti
- Beatriz Carvalho
- Deanívea Mendes Félix